Shrewsbury Recreation Department
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Children's Dining Etiquette Workshop

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Children's Dining Workshop
Like to take your school aged children out to eat with you at a fine dining or a large social event but you’re  a little afraid how they might behave? Present your child with the opportunity to feel self-reliant and  confident in any social or dining situation by taking interactive lessons taught by a certified etiquette  consultant. Our workshop is designed to teach them how to conduct themselves on the dining table at  home, in a restaurant or when meeting new people. Teaching children proper dining skills and table  manners helps them to succeed at school, socially, and later, professionally. So, introduce your child to  proper table manners and dining etiquette today and help build their confidence for any social situation  tomorrow!

Topics Include: 
Approaching and seating at the table
The napkin and its uses 

Understanding place setting How to correctly hold silverware
The bread & butter plate
The soup course 

Proper use of silverware American and Continental styles of dining 
Passing food at the table
What to do with unwanted food
Appropriate table conversation
Other table manners & much more

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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