Spring Track:
The time to register is now! All coaches, athletes and volunteer partners must register. For our Jr track team, we will need 3 – 6 volunteers (Unified Partners) ages 12 and up. Looking for a couple of volunteers for the Sr team as well!
Competition: Track and Field: Athletes who are 7 and will turn 8 before June 6, 2025 are allowed to register.
Junior track athletes - There will be a limit of 12 athletes (excluding partners in this number), on the Jr team and attendance will be taken. It is imperative to attend practice in order to participate in competition! If the numbers registering are low, we will open it up to 6 and up.
WHEN: Thursdays beginning April 3rd, weather permitting
WHERE: Oak Middle School Track
TIME: Juniors (Ages 8-15) 6:00-6:45 pm
TIME: Seniors (Ages 16+) 6:00-7:00pm
*Please arrive and be on the track at 6:00 PM!
Qualifying Event: Date (TBD) Assabet HS, Marlborough, MA.
State Competition in Boston - June 6 - 8, 2025. Overnight at Boston University, with Competitions at the Harvard Athletic Complex. More information to follow regarding the overnight.